Kurt Bartholet
Kurt Bartholet
7th Dan, Hombu Dojo Aikikai Tokyo
After training of Judo, Ju-Jitsu and Kendo I began Aikido with Willi Frischknecht in 1974. My teachers were Willi Frischknecht, Freddy Jacot, Hans Illi, Masatomi Ikeda Sensei 7th Dan, Hiroshi Tada Sensei 9th Dan, Morihiro Saito Sensei 9th Dan in Japan, Frank Doran Sensei 8th Dan, Seishiro Endo Sensei 8th Dan, Hombu Dojo, Tokyo, Japan, and during the last years it has been Christian Tissier Sensei 8th Dan.
Zen Buddhism meditation with Taisen Deshimaru Roshi, father H.E. Lassalle und father Nicklaus Brantschen.
Management of Aikido workshops in USA, Europa, Israel, Syria und Jordan.
Translated 6th Dan certificate:
Interviews with Kurt Bartholet (German/English):
Aikido, die gewaltfreie Kampfkunst
Blog by Verena Arnold (or here as PDF)
Aikidojournal, Ausgabe 55D & 56D 2008
by Horst Schwickrath
“Das Ringen um Meisterschaft”, 2003
by Torsten Ziesche
Radio interview with Kurt Bartholet:
Aikido: Interview mit Kurt Bartholet